I had seen a wall hanging just like this in some blog...I dont know which... If any of you know , please let me know so that I could link back....I dont remember exactly ...but I just tried it...and I was successful...The wall hanging which I had seen was made of woollen...Since I did not have any woollen with me, I tried it using a rope...which gives this a very rustic feel and I like it...I have seen such similar things in my relative's house...She havs decorated this using mirrors and all............That will be for next time....
Take two sticks, and apply a little glue....
Well I dont know exactly how to explain all these things... so here is the next photo...I had applied a little bit of glue in the starting and let it be for a few minutes , so that the rope sticks to it firmly...

Secure the end using glure and add a few beads...And I have used the rope and did the same procedure as above but in the reversible manner...
So that it looks like this...
I know I am very bad in explaining....Hope the photo is saying what I wanted to say.....
Here is the same thing from the back...the photoes have not come so nice.. but believe me , they are better than the photoes..... And I am going to buy some vibrant coloured woollen and as soon as I finish it I will post the photoes............
This is the photo when I tried this for the first time ... I dont know anything about that blog except the fact that it is some Turkish blog...
and a lot of traffic had been diverted from this blog to my blog...